Law Enforcement
In today's politically charged climate, law enforcement agencies are often seen as the enemy rather than friends and partners for a safe and healthy community.
We believe that our products can help our law enforcement customers to positively engage with their communities in a way that benefits everyone.

Junior Deputy Badges
Made Perfect for Little Hands
Our most popular offering for law enforcement is our Junior Deputy sticker! We offer two styles depending on your budget and preference: a particularly budget-conscious circle cut and a custom contour cut that follows the shape of your badge sticker. Both options are combo cut so they're easy to peel even with little hands! The stickers are usually printed on our glossy house vinyl without UV laminate to reduce costs, and are packed in bags of 200 stickers, so you don't even have to worry about dividing them up.

Special Offer!
First-time law enforcement customers can get one bag of Junior Deputy Stickers for just $45.00! You pay for setup and we'll send you a bag at no additional cost!
Super Simple Pricing
3 Bags - 600 Badges
Circle Cut - $175.00
Contour Cut - $210.00
5 Bags - 1,000 Badges
Circle Cut - $225.00
Contour Cut - $270.00
10 Bags - 2,000 Badges
Circle Cut - $395.00
Contour Cut - $495.00
20 Bags - 4,000 Badges
Circle Cut - $690.00
Contour Cut - $880.00
Now with free Design Setup for new customers!